Contact Us
Please contact us if you would like more information or want to join our council.
Knights of Columbus 9740
P.O. Box 801541
Santa Clarita, CA, 91380
P.O. Box 801541
Santa Clarita, CA, 91380
2017-2018 Officers
Chaplain | Fr. Malcolm Ambrose |
Grand Knight | Sal Torres |
Deputy Grand Knight | Javier Arevalo |
Chancellor | Luis Guitierrez |
Warden | Doug Zeal |
Advocate | Michael Burgeson |
Recorder | Kevin Browning |
Treasurer | Ed Hoover |
Financial Secretary | Brian Ortiz |
Lecturer | Mike Hoover |
Inside Guard | Scott Stark |
Outside Guard | Mike Kling |
First Year Trustee | Tom Jezik |
Second Year Trustee | Sal Hernandez |
Third Year Trustee | Bill Hamor |
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